Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hold the Confetti

My last chemo was supposed to happen yesterday, but turns out it wasn't in the cards quite yet.  I rolled into the hospital with a fever teetering on 104 degrees and just feeling generally crappy and cold.  So cold.  They sent me for a chest x-ray (to rule out pneumonia), took some blood cultures, and gave me fluids for a few hours.  My official diagnosis is "the bug that's been going around."  Then they sent me home with a fever holding steady at 103.9 and a script for a z-pack.  You'd think they would have popped me a Tylenol or two! 

I've pretty much been in bed ever since, trying to get the fever to go down (and stay down).  Haven't been able to get it under 100 yet but I'm working on it.  And I'm super disappointed that my chemo has been delayed.  So in the meantime, here are some cute pictures and a video clip of Ben that I enjoy looking at while I'm currently in quarantine and not allowed to hold him!

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