Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014: More Diagnostic Testing and Some Good News

Back to the imaging center again today!  We're getting used to the drive to/from the hospital.  I'm so thankful that Jeremy's on summer break so he's able to go to all these appointments and hold my hand and tell me I'm awesome because sometimes I'm a crybaby about the whole situation.  Think pregnancy hormones on steroids with a side of crack.

Anyway, I sign in today and tell them I'm there for a breast ultrasound. There's some confusion because they had me in the system for an MRI, so I had to explain why it was changed.  I proceed to pay the co-pay (again), and am given paperwork.  The title of the paperwork is "Preparing for your MRI" so I go up to the desk again to make sure everyone's on the same page on what exactly I'm getting done today.  Sheesh.

Jeremy stays in the waiting room while I go back.  I explain the confusion to the ultrasound tech to check and double-check that I'm there for the right procedure.  She leaves for a while and consults with who-knows-who and when she comes back she says they're going to do a mammogram in addition to the ultrasound.  Ok, fine, let's get this show on the road!  I switch rooms to have the mammogram done first.  I was a little nervous about this because I've heard that mammograms can be uncomfortable, not to mention it's another type of x-ray with risk to the fetus.  So, another protective vest and another consent form, and another person to tell my story to, and another stranger who gets goosebumps and gets teary-eyed at how crazy the story is, and then we start the mammogram.  And yes, it was a little uncomfortable but mostly because there's a giant tumor in there getting squished all around and you have to hold your breath and stand in a weird position.  The non-shitty boob didn't hurt at all.

Back to the ultrasound area, where the tech did a thorough exam of both breasts.  I waited a few minutes and a radiologist came in and said they got all the images they needed and I could go.  He mentioned that they noted a few cysts in my other breast, but that those are totally normal and nothing needs to be done about them.  But trust me when I say from now on I am on level 5 red alert for any suspicious changes!

On the way home, I get a phone call from Dr. M. (the actual doctor, not his receptionist).  He explained that the results came back from yesterday's liver ultrasound and chest x-ray and everything looked clear.  Great news!!  He also mentioned that at some point, he might order an MRI of my back (without the contrast dye, which is safer), but he didn't see a need for it yet.  

So Jeremy and I took our good piece of news for the day and ran with it. 

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